Alexei Panshin's Abyss of Wonder

Firebird Blues

I saw the Firebird flyin' through the sky
I saw the Firebird flyin' through the sky
She lost a feather of gold as she went flyin' by

What makes an elephant climb on a jungle gym?
What makes an elephant climb on a jungle gym?
An elephant's too big to fit on a Sit'n'Spin

My favorite llama gives fiber by the bale
My favorite llama gives fiber by the bale
She's sweet as a rhino and funny as a killer whale

The Crocodile Hunter he made two mistakes
The Crocodile Hunter he made two big mistakes
Fed his baby to a saltie, laid a kiss on a rattlesnake
    (On the lips -- gawgeous, gawgeous)

When the plane hit the tower that was all she wrote
When the plane hit the tower that was all she wrote
The President was reading a book called My Pet Goat

I saw the Firebird sailin' through the sky
I saw the Firebird soarin' through the sky
She lost a golden feather as she went flyin' by


-- by Josh Wachtel and Alexei Panshin



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